Since Christmas is so close, I will start with noting my most recent blog post Unwrapping the Future which is about the challenge Christmas poses for us. I don't mean to spoil Christmas but to deepen its meaning to strengthen us in a world growing darker and colder.
To take a step back, there is an Advent meditation called Whose Axe, Whose Winnowing Forks? This draws the contrast between John the Baptist along with the prophetic tradition of Israel and Jesus.
I also posted an article I wrote for the Abbey Letter which deals with Mary, a suitable subject for Advent and Christmas called Mary in the Place of Shame and Glory.
I complemented by mini-series on Baptism with a three-part mini-series on the Eucharist which has overlapping themes with the former. The first post is Eucharist: Christ our Passover. You can follow the links in the posts to get to the second and third parts.
Questions of the human self in light of mimetic theory and the Gospel have been a growing preoccupation with me. I have begun exploring this in my post I Me Me Mine which brings in George Harrison, Thomas Merton and others.
I have also compiled a page that lists blog posts by the seasons of the year as an aid for those who wish to look them up in that way.
If you prefer, you can go straight to the main page of my blog Imaginary Visions of True Peace.
A blessed Christmas Tide to all.